Battling the Holiday Bloat: A Holistic Nutritionist's Guide for the Holiday Season

Battling the Holiday Bloat: A Holistic Nutritionist's Guide for the Holiday Season

Battling the Holiday Bloat: A Holistic Nutritionist's Guide for the Holiday Season

by Valerie Spohr, CNP, nutrinimble 

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and, sometimes, a little bit too much indulgence. If you've ever experienced the discomfort of bloating during this festive time, don't worry– you're not alone. As a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, I'm here to share insights and strategies to help you navigate the holiday season feeling light, energized, and bloat-free. 

Unwrapping the Reasons Behind Bloating 

Before we delve into solutions, let's unwrap the reasons behind holiday bloating. Factors such as indulging in rich, decadent foods and irregular eating patterns can contribute to that unwelcome feeling of fullness. Additionally, stress, lack of physical activity, and insufficient hydration can contribute to the holiday bloat. It's crucial to understand that occasional bloating is a natural response to various dietary and lifestyle factors that can affect anyone. So, no need to stress about it. However, if you're looking to take proactive steps to ease bloating and support your digestion, particularly during this season of delicious indulgence, here are some of my favorite tips to implement: 

Mindful Eating for Digestive Harmony 

Hydration Matters: Start your day with a glass of water infused with a squeeze of lemon. Hydration is the cornerstone of good digestion and can help prevent water retention. 

Chew with intention: In the midst of festive gatherings, take a moment to chew your food slowly and thoroughly. Mindful chewing supports our digestion and reduces the risk of swallowing excess air. 

Bloat-Busting Foods: Nourishing Your Gut 

Peppermint Magic: Incorporate peppermint tea into your routine. Peppermint has soothing properties that can calm your digestive system and alleviate bloating discomfort. 

Ginger Elixir: Whether in tea, grated into dishes, or as a supplement, ginger is renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to ease digestive woes. 

Probiotic-Packed Choices: Integrate probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, and fermented vegetables into your meals. These support a healthy gut microbiome, promoting optimal digestion. 

Lifestyle Practices for a Comfortable Celebration 

Move and Groove: Engage in light movement after meals. A leisurely stroll or a family dance session can stimulate digestion and ease that post-feast heaviness.

De-Stress Rituals: Incorporate stress-reducing practices into your routine. Whether it's a few minutes of deep breathing, a meditation session, or a warm bath, these rituals can significantly impact your digestive well-being. 

Prioritize rest: Ensure you get enough sleep amidst the excitement around the holidays. A rested body is better able to handle the digestive process and reduce the likelihood of bloating. 

Remember, maintaining a holistic approach to nutrition involves both what you eat and how you eat. By embracing mindful eating habits, choosing bloat-busting foods, and adopting lifestyle practices that support digestion, you can revel in the festive season without the discomfort of bloating. 

Here's to a joyous and bloat-free holiday season! 


National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2017). Gas in the Digestive Tract. 

Harvard Health Publishing. (2018). Foods that fight inflammation. 

International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. (2017). Effects of Peppermint Tea on the Reduction of Abdominal Bloating in Iranian Patients with Functional Dyspepsia. 

Festive Digestive Delight Tea Blend 


2 teaspoons dried peppermint leaves 

1 thumb size piece fresh ginger, peeled and sliced 

2 teaspoons fennel seeds 

2 teaspoons chamomile flowers 

2 cinnamon sticks 

1 organic orange, sliced 

Honey or sweetener of your choice (optional) 


Prepare the Pot: In a medium-sized pot, add 4 cups of water. 

Add the Ingredients: Place the dried peppermint leaves, ginger root, fennel seeds, chamomile flowers, cinnamon sticks, and orange slices leaves into the pot. 

Bring to a Simmer: Slowly bring the mixture to a simmer over medium heat. Be cautious not to let it boil; we want to preserve the delicate flavors of the herbs. 

Simmer: Once it reaches a simmer, reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and let it simmer for about 10 minutes.

Strain the Tea: After simmering, remove the pot from heat. Using a fine mesh strainer, strain the tea into a teapot or individual cups, removing the herb remnants. 

Optional Sweetener: If desired, add honey or your preferred sweetener to enhance the taste. 

Sip and Enjoy: Embrace the cozy and festive atmosphere with each soothing sip of this tea, specially crafted to aid digestion after a hearty holiday meal.

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